Managing bandwidth usage
You can control how much bandwidth an account is allowed to use per day. To do this, follow these steps:
- In the search box at the upper left of the WebHost Manager screen, start typing bandwidth, and then click Limit Bandwidth Usage when it becomes visible.
- On the Limit Bandwidth on an Account page, click the radio button next to the account to modify. Account details appear below the account name.
- Click Limit. The Limit Bandwidth Usage page appears.
- To set a limit on bandwidth usage for the account, in the MB text box, type the maximum number of megabytes allowed. Alternatively, to remove all bandwidth limits for the account, click Unlimited.
- Click Change.
Managing disk usage
You can control the maximum amount of disk space that an account is allowed to use. To do this, follow these steps:
- In the search box at the upper left of the WebHost Manager screen, start typing quota, and then click Quota Modification when it becomes visible.
- On the Quota Modification page, click the radio button next to the account to modify. Account details appear below the account name.
- Click Modify. The Quota Modification page appears.
- To set a new limit on disk usage for the account, in the MB text box, type the maximum number of megabytes allowed. Alternatively, to remove all disk usage limits for the account, click Unlimited.
- Click Save.