Adding a redirect

To add a redirect, follow these steps:

  • In the DOMAINS section of the cPanel home screen, click Redirects.
  • Under Add Redirect, select the redirection type:
  • To specify a permanent redirection, select Permanent (301).
  • To specify a temporary redirection, select Temporary (302).
  • Select the domain, and then type the web page that you want to redirect.
  • In the Redirects to text box, type the destination web page.
  • Under www. redirection, select the option you want for redirecting domains that include www.
  • To enable wild card redirecting, select the Wild Card Redirect check box.
  • Click Add. cPanel adds the redirect.

Removing a redirect

You can remove a redirect when you no longer want to redirect a page to another web page. However, you cannot modify a redirect. If you need to modify a redirect, delete it and create a new one.

To remove a redirect, follow these steps:

  • In the DOMAINS section of the cPanel home screen, click Redirects.
  • Under Current Redirects, locate the redirect that you want to remove, and then click Delete.
  • Click Remove Redirect to confirm the deletion. cPanel removes the redirect.
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